Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Crazy Schedule

I don't know about you, but my kids schedule is driving me.... driving my day to day activities and literally driving me up and down the road a million times!  

I used to watch my neighbor in Virginia drive in and out of her driveway a bazillion times when I was playing with my toddlers in the driveway... and wondering how many times she went in and out.   I get it now.... with a rising freshman and junior.... it's all about the driving to and from activities and friends houses.

When life gets so busy... it's all I can do to keep it all together.  My iPhone becomes my brain... keeping track of reminders and appointments almost flawlessly unless I enter the information wrong. :)  I add reminders to alert me of important things.  

Are you on the go like this too?    So are you a paper calendar kind of person or an electronic kind of person.... or do you utilize both and why?    Do you put certain things on paper and others on your electronic calendar?   

Maybe younger people don't even think much about this at all, but my generation is bridging the gap between a paper society and the electronic one..... Would love to know your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. I remember better if I actually WRITE it down! I try with the electronics, but I gotta have my paper calendar!
