Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Project

Okay... so I didn't really want to be THIS busy but it feels good to accomplish something!   It's good to show your kids the meaning of hard work and that you have "other" skills but I admit.... I am so sore today I can barely lift my arms!    My daughter wanted to go to an expensive dance camp this summer... so in order to help her EARN her way there.... we told her instead of paying someone to "do the deck" this spring, we would do it together and she would be helping!   Two weekends later... stripping, power washing, sanding and then protecting.... the project is DONE!   I couldn't be happier!    I know we did a better job than anyone else would have done because we did it so very well.... but I know why I pay people to do it most years!   What a chore!   Thankfully, it was a beautiful day yesterday and my husband bought some neat power tools to make the job go faster.   In the end, I feel good that we worked together as a family on this project, that the kids learned how to do this project and that skill will serve them well one day!   Did I tell you how glad I was that this project was done?    :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Summer style with Sara Blaine for Willow House

So you should know that one of my passions is DESIGN.... which is why I represent this phenomenal jewelry designer... Sara Blaine  :)   So I'm Loving playing in my Jewelry box today as I style for summer!   Since I can't get to SEE all my clients and friends in person all the time, I thought I would share this fun little video ( under 2 minutes) to show you how to create a Simple Summer Style!   My first career was on stage and commercials... so I'm not shy in front of the camera! :)   Enjoy! 

Oh.. and just letting you know... we are looking for individuals who want to help us really catapult this new company to the next level...   If you don't know a Sara Blaine rep in your neighborhood, you may want to consider it for yourself... or share this with a friend!    What a gift to get into this when the timing is PERFECT!  Contact me for more info!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

How to Stay in Shape

So with the busy lifestyle.... comes how to fit in diet and exercise!   It is necessary to stay fit.... and to feel healthy.   I wouldn't say that I am a fitness buff but I am fit enough.... I don't let it get too out of control before I reel it back in (usually around summer when I need to wear a bathing suit).   What do other busy women do to fit in exercise and diet on a routine basis that is DOABLE?    For example... I am not a get out of bed at 5am to exercise kind of gal..... I am too much of a night owl.    What "little things" do you do to keep it in check?  What are you favorite go-to snacks or meals and how do you stay in shape busy ladies?  :)

Monday, May 20, 2013


I am stunned by the damage from the tornados today!  It makes me so sad.    It makes the busiest of people slow down and pray.... pray for the safety of our neighbors.... our kids... and know that while we are enjoying life and all the great things that it has to offer.... that life is so precious and can be disrupted so fast.   I feel so helpless.   As I watch people trying to rescue other people... I'm reminded at how we are good to our core.  On a daily basis, we hear all the divisiveness on the news.... the extreme dislike for anyone who thinks differently from us... when we are all human, all equal.  We should all have the same goal... to help one another and LOVE one another like we would ourselves.   I pray for Oklahoma and and I pray for our Society!

I'm BACK!!!!

I'm Back!    It's been almost a year since I have blogged... and I think it's because I really didn't get the point of blogging until now!    I'm excited to begin again.... and chat about LOTS of things!   Before I get started though, I have to share why I was "absent".... my company had a huge transition from selling home decor to designer jewelry... and this took all my energy to figure out!    This is a whole new industry and I had a lot to learn!  I'm so excited and energized again!   I feel stable and growing again and am getting "in the groove" so to speak,  although I still have a lot to do to grow this new business, however, I feel like I am ready to begin again... and blog about things that interest me.   We'll talk about design, fashion, home, food, organization,  and more!  There's not enough time in the day... Oh... I'm also a closet techie!   I love technology .... So just wanted to say hi.... and let you know that I'm back!   I can't wait to get started!